Spring making method known as "spring forming" is done by using the CNC spring former machines (also called universal spring machines). This type of machine is used to make tension springs, torsion springs, double torsion springs and wire forming. Spring forming machines can be used for making compression springs but is is not efficient. Spring formers have 6 to 10 tooling slides on the face of the machine enabling it to perform various bends, loops hooks,radius and various wire shapes on the ends of the springs or on the wire form itself. This type of spring making machinery is a extremely versatile.
Cam-type CNC spring former. Requires a different set of cams for making job.
Low price
Simple and reliable design
Requires serious machine-setting skills
Re-set of cams for each spring type
Camless-type CNC spring former. Activities are carried out through programmable motors or servo drives and controlled by CNC.
Fast working and easy setting
High precision
Easy to operate
High cost